June 2021 Bullet Journal Set-Up

Hey there! I’m back after a bit of an extended leave of absence- I just haven’t been feeling super inspired lately and got off track when it comes to blogging, and actually bullet journaling as well. I started my May set-up but I didn’t have a clear vision for it and was making it WAY too complicated, and it all went downhill from there. So I took a little break from journaling this month, because I just wasn’t feeling it. And it’s all good; even though it bugs me a bit that I now have a month missing, I have some extra pages to play around with later:)

I’m excited to come back to my journal though and I love my June spread! I tried to keep the doodles simple so I can just quickly make weekly spreads and I don’t feel like I’m spending 3772839302 hours bullet journaling each week. Since it’s almost summer time I went with a cherry theme! I absolutely love cherries- they’re one of my favourite fruits, and the bright red and green is such a fun colour palette for some fun summer spreads!

I kept some things the same and changed some things up from previous months, so it’s a good mix of old and new:) Everything looks so cute though and I can’t wait to fill out all of these spreads! Planning definitely helps me feel in control and ready and inspired, and I’ve been missing that the past month. So I’m ready to get back into a routine and kick some butt.

Here’s my journal for the month of June!

Title page first! These cherries were so easy to draw, and I used a bright red and dark red shades of Crayola Super Tips, and my green zebra mildliner. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the font; to give it that hombre look I used an eraser to kind of fade away the bottom of the lettering, and then went over the top half again to make it darker. And I finished it off with some white highlights, which I put on the cherries too- it makes them look so juicy! I did some little sparkles as well to fill up the space.

I haven’t done a calendar spread like this for a while, but I think I’ll try it out again. I’m going to use it to plan events and tasks and blog stuff, so that everything is in one place, so hopefully it doesn’t get too full. We’ll see! I also have a goals box and a box to write down the books I read in June.

Kept my trackers and everything the same because I love how easy they are to fill out, and also how the charts and graphs look:) Although I did add another tracker to track my workouts! I drew some more cherries on the side too, and it looks so good.

This page is so gorgeous too! It’s got my gratitude log, and then on the opposite page is a spot for me to journal a bit in the mornings. Especially since it’s so bright and nice outside in the mornings now, I’d like to start doing a bit of meditation and journaling each morning next month. Definitely a goal that I’m going to try and stick to! Underneath I made myself a little gas tracker just to keep track of how much I’m spending and when;) I cut the edge of the page around the cherries and outlined it in green, which looks cool too.

First weekly of the month! I think it came together really nicely. I outlined that curvy edge of the page in my three main colours this month, and drew in those cherries and those sparkles around the days of the week. We’ve got space to write down any events and to-dos, and also to plan my workouts. Love it!

The colours and doodles just all came together and this set-up is the perfect way to get me back into the groove. Hope you gathered some summer inspo from this post!

Yours Truly,


April 2021 Bullet Journal Set-Up

Hi guys! I’m a tad bit behind on my set-up this month but I’m pretty happy with the way it turned out and can’t wait to share!

I did something that I haven’t done in my journal before- watercolour. I didn’t paint directly into my journal because that probably would’ve bled through and caused some damage, but I painted on small pieces of watercolour paper and stuck them where I wanted on the pages. Combined with my brown kraft paper, it looks pretty sharp!🥰

I decided to paint olive branches because they’re fairly simple, have a nice colour palette and are also kind of special to me because my name is Olivia😂 With some brown watercolour, I painted the branch shape, and then went in with a bunch of different greens for the leaves and some black for the olives. I used my gold metallic marker in these spreads a lot as well!

One thing that wasn’t the greatest was my sticking-in method- I’m out of those glue tape roller things and had to use just regular tape😂 So the paper kind of sticks out a little which isn’t ideal. And the washi tape I used also keeps lifting up because it’s not very sticky. But you know what, it’s ok! I still like how it all looks and I will defintely remember to make sure I have decent glue next time.

These spreads are really simple and pretty and perfect for spring time:) Hope you get inspired!

First up it’s cover page time🙌 We’ve got that olive branch I did in water colour taped into the centre of the page over some torn kraft paper. I drew a diamond over top of the branch with my metallic gold marker and wrote April on top of that, finishing up with my washi tape! On the opposite page I tore out some more paper, drew another diamond, and wrote out my quote for the month. This month I want to work on some meditation and being able to create a place of stillness in my mind- it can be hard not to be thinking all of the time!

Next is my monthly calendar spread! I did a small calendar on one page, and made space for my goals, intentions, events and school stuff on the other. I also included another olive branch painting, and more kraft paper. The quote on the right hand side is “I have enough. I do enough. I am enough.” Which is important to remember🥰

My trackers this month are really simple, just that graph/chart style. I have yet another olive branch, a quote at the bottom, and more kraft paper! I really like how clean this looks, and the gold is so nice🙌🙌

Lastly I have my first weekly spread:) I did do a gratitude and blog planning spree as usual, but I just realized I didn’t take a picture! I’ll definitely post it on my Instagram though, so be sure to check that out. This weekly is super simple for the first three days of the month. I did a “Happy Easter” page opposite which I’ll post on my Instagram as well!

Have an amazing Easter weekend and a great month ahead! Make sure you get your journals ready so you can plan for success🙌

Yours Truly,


March 2021 Bullet Journal Set-Up

I’m so excited to share this set-up! Last month I was not feeling inspired AT ALL and my Paris theme was definitely not one of my favourites. I might have to re-do it when I’m full of some more ideas. Throughout the month though, I kept going and made super simple spreads so that I could still plan out what I needed to get done.

This month I felt some of my creativity come back and had a great theme idea that was quick and easy to do- Avocados! They’re so cute and easy to draw (and also delicious), plus they’re green so it goes well for the month of March. I think the key for me moving forward is going to be keeping my themes and spreads simple but fun, so they keep me interested in bullet journaling! When I do complicated themes I feel like I have to spend hours in order to make my spreads look good, which isn’t great when I don’t have a lot of time, and can also get boring quickly.

Speaking of simplicity, I’ve also scaled my monthly recaps way back this year. Last year I did a full out scrapbook-y collage at the end of each month, with photos and quotes and a whole bunch of decorative elements. They were fun to make, but it did take a while and this year I feel like I have less time and don’t really feel like doing it. So instead I’ve just been simply writing out the name of the month in the middle of the page, throwing in a border and maybe some doodles, and just journaling at the end of the month.

Journaling is something that I want to do more of this year, so that I’m more aware of how I’m feeling and can organize my thoughts!

I absolutely love this March theme and I did some pretty cool things this month that I might continue to do for the rest of the year! The colours and doodles and fonts all work so well together, and looking at it makes me happy, which is always the goal:) Hope you enjoy!

My title page is SO cute:) I love the quote that I did and it’s so true; you can’t make everyone happy! Now let’s talk about the opposite page because I did some cool things. I cut each page this month at a different width, and then coloured in the edge, so that from the title page it looks like a bunch of little tabs that you can flip to! It turned out so well and I’m definitely thinking of doing this every month from now on. Because of this, my title page is definitely a bit smaller because of this, but I didn’t mind because I was keeping things simple anyways. This month I used my light green Zebra fineliner, my pale brown Zebra fineliner, both a dark green and a yellow Crayola SuperTip, my black fineliners and also my white gel pen.

Here we have my monthly dashboard spread, where I have a little calendar, and space to write everything that’s going on for the month. I find that I don’t use this spread a whole ton, so making it smaller was A-OK. I did give myself lots of space to goal set and write some intentions for the month down though! On the side of the right page I drew some more avocados:)

Next we’ve got my mood, habit, and productivity trackers! The pages were still a bit skinny because of my tab-making, so I oriented my trackers vertically this month. I’ll fill in the squares when I complete a certain habit, and do a little line graph for my mood and productivity. I included a couple of avocados in the bottom corners, and on the side I have a quote that says ” ‘Avo Good Day”. Love it! The colours and simple, mono-line cursive font look so nice.

This spread is so pretty! In the middle I did a horizontal strip of avocados and some polka dots, and then wrote the title of the page on top of that background. Then I numbered off the days on the side. One page is for my gratitude log, and the other is for planning blog posts!

And finally, my first weekly spread! Kept it simple with an avocado doodle for each day, a to-do section, and a great quote. Lots of room for planning, and it looks great too:) These are the kinds of spreads that I need more of!

Can’t wait to come up with some more weekly spreads for this theme- who knew there were so many good avocado quotes out there? Have fun setting up your own March spreads!:))

Yours Truly,


February 2020 Bullet Journal Set-Up

Hey there! First month of 2021 done- it actually felt pretty long to me! February is probably going to fly by though since it’s a short month:)

This month I kind of struggled again with setting up my journal- I wasn’t very inspired AT ALL. I knew what theme I wanted to do, but I didn’t really know how to translate it onto the page. So the end result is a pretty simple and, to be honest, it’s not my favourite set-up ever, but it’ll do.

I went with a Paris theme, which I thought was really fitting for February since Paris is the city of love:) There are so many different doodle ideas that you could use for a Paris theme, but since the amazing buildings really stand out to me, that’s what I went with. I was fortunate enough to visit Paris a while ago, and I absolutely loved it! In addition to the doodles I did, I threw in some pink hearts and little grey accents to tie everything together and bring in that Valentine’s Day flair. The first few pages I started with using washi tape, but them my dog chewed it up so that was a problem. I’m going to have to order some more soon!

For my colour scheme this month, we’ve got this nice pink zebra fineliner, a grey zebra fineliner, and then just my black fineliners. I enjoyed using only zebra fineliners last month because the thickness of them is great for the size of my journal, and I also love how the colours are a bit muted- they all have a great tone to them. I used these markers to do sort of a monoline cursive, and an uppercase font.

Throughout the month I did a combo of both French and English quotes, to switch things up a bit! I’ll do some translating when needed.

I think this is a great reminder that when you’re not feeling the inspiration, you can just keep things simple and go back to the basics so that you don’t get overwhelmed by elaborate spreads. I’ve really been noticing how much my bullet journal helps me plan my life- my blog stuff especially- and I don’t want to take away from that by feeling forced to create super complicated pages. Hope you enjoy this set-up, and maybe draw some inspiration from it if you’re in a slump yourself!

Title page first! I drew really simple renditions of the Eiffel Tower, the Arc de Triomphe, the Notre Dame, and the Louvre museum. These are all places that I got to visit, and I think that they are absolutely beautiful- I love European architecture! I gave the buildings all a bit of a drop shadow with that grey marker, and also did a border around the page. “February” is written out in cursive in pink, and I added a some washi tape to finish it off! On the opposite page I wrote out a French quote, which says “I accept the great adventure that is me.”. I love this because the human experience is truly a journey- and I want to find our more about myself and who I am! On that quote page you can see those little heart doodles and grey accents.

Next is my calendar spread. Sticking with that little one page calendar, I drew some more doodles around it, along with a grey border, pink title, and more hearts and accents. On the opposite page I have little boxes for my goals, events, tasks, and school stuff for the month. This was the last spread I made before my washi tape was so rudely eaten- I love how it looks on these pages!

Now for my trackers! Going real simple again- I find that this layout makes it super easy for me to see and fill out all of my habits, mood, and productivity. I did a few more building doodles, and stuck with that pink cursive for all of the titles. When I wrote out “productivity” it didn’t all fit on one line- which kind of bugs me but it could be worse. I also noticed that the scale of my Eiffel Towers kind of change throughout the set-up, oh well! Anyways, I think this spread is overall pretty cute.

A really simple gratitude log and habit tracker here, but the border, hearts, and accents spice it up a bit. I really enjoy all of the space that I have to plan blog stuff- it’s so helpful! You could use this page for anything you’d like though- school stuff, a brain dump, or just everyday journaling. At the bottom of the page I wrote out “La vie est belle”- life is beautiful, to remind me that there’s something to be grateful for everyday!

Lastly, we’ve got my first weekly spread! I did some simple boxes and wrote out the days of the week in pink. There are a couple of doodles, and my quote is “Paris is always a good idea”- and it totally is! I’ll have lots of space to plan out my week with this spread.

That’s my set-up for the month! Even though it’s maybe not my best, it’s still super functional and is going to help me a lot with staying organized, which is what matters. See you next week!

Yours Truly,


January 2021 Bullet Journal Set-Up

Woot woot! It’s time for my first monthly set-up of 2021! I CAN’T WAIT to move into my new journal- right now I’m in that awkward phase where I need both my 2020 and 2021 journals to plan stuff😂😂 The fresh start and clean spreads will be very welcome, because I’m ready to do some big things in 2021🥳

I really struggled to come up with a theme this month! I wanted something simple because I’m tired from all the drawing I did for my Sound of Music theme, but I still wanted it to be pretty and elegant. I was literally doing research for this because I wanted it to be meaningful as well, so I looked up different New Years traditions around the world and stuff like that. I finally stumbled upon the fact that January is named for the Roman god Janus, who was the god of duality and doors. I couldn’t really see how the duality part would fit into my journal, but I loved the idea of doors!! Doors remind me of new opportunities, and since it’s January it’s kind of like the “doorway” to the rest of the year. So I went with a door theme!

The doodles I did this month are pretty simple, which I love because it makes for quick and easy weekly spreads:) I went with a nice pale, kind of robin’s egg blue, and a pale-ish brown. These colours are kind of winter-y and I think they complement each other really well! I didn’t want to bring in too many colours because I wanted these pages to be fresh and clean. I did try to switch up my font a bit though to a more bouncy style, because if I’m going to do calligraphy every month I want to challenge myself a bit😂

I hope that this set-up gives you some inspiration for the year to come! Let’s get into it:)

My title page is up first! I drew a bunch of different kinds of doors- some rectangular, some rounded, some with a frame, and some without. I coloured them in with that brown and blue combo, and then added some washi tape! And there’s that bouncy font I was talking about. I like it a lot! For my quote page I wrote out a saying from Mary Poppins, which I thought was perfect for my theme, and for the beginning of the year.

Here’s my calendar/monthly dash board spread. Yes, I decided to go back to that one page calendar! I find that I really don’t write things down in my calendar all that much, and would rather use more space for writing down stuff for school and any goals I have. I did a shorter quote below the calendar, used more washi tape, and also drew some more doors.

Next we’ve got my trackers. Ever since last May I’ve taken this layout and ran with it- I love it so much! This month I’m tracking a bunch of habits, my mood, productivity, and workouts. I really want to plan my workouts more this year, so this will help me with that! Just a side note, I’m really proud of how I wrote my k😂 I’ve always struggled with calligraphic k’s so I’m glad I’m finally getting them down👌

This spread is super simple, but I’m glad that it is because I need the space! On the left is my gratitude log, where I drew a few doors and write the title in the middle. Then on the right I have lots of space to plan out my blog stuff! I highlighted the days that I’m actually posting in brown, so it’s easier for me to tell them apart.

Finally I did my first weekly spread! I decided to just combine that first Friday and Saturday with the following week, so I have nine days in here. This is one of my favourite weekly layouts because it’s simple and gives me a TON of space to plan. To spruce this one up, I drew some more doors, used some washi tape, and wrote out the days of the week in that bouncy calligraphy.

That’s all for January!! I love the simplicity of this theme, and am really excited to fill in these spreads with some great plans🙌 Make sure you tune in tomorrow for another instalment in this week of book and bullet journal posts!

Yours Truly,
